
The Story of a Backpack

So why did I pick “Bruce’s Backpack” one reason is because way back in high school on I started a blog that went nowhere under the same name. It also had the same premise. But the reason I started with that name is because in high school I had the world’s coolest backpack.

Green backpack.

It was the CCS Skateboarding backpack and it was massive and held all of my stuff. Notepads, textbooks, sketchpads, Gameboy Color, skateboard. You name it was put into this bag. The pouches were my favorite because I could load them up with all kinds of goodies. The top side pocket held my Halo 3 Zune for the longest time. I tell ya, they don’t make devices like that anymore.

Green backpack with opened flap to show place to put skateboard.

Look at this awesomeness. It those black patches were to protect the bag from the skateboard’s griptape! I thought it was so ingenious. Even carried the only copy of Thrasher Magazine I owned (It had my big brother ollieing a fire hydrant in it) in that zippered pouch.

So naturally through high school I had my bag of essentials and my skateboard with me wherever I went. Funnily enough I never had tools for my skateboard in the backpack. Never thought I’d need them while I was using the thing.

But the main pocket was so big, I would put my Original Xbox in there, the chords and controllers with a couple games. Haul this with my CRT TV off to a friends house and we’re playing Halo till the break of dawn. The good ol days, ya know?

Top view of green backpack with zipper opened.

I’ve since lost this backpack and these images I’ve lifted off the internet I can’t find anymore. So I can’t even give a source for them.

The idea of a backpack for my blog I feel really suits me because, you don’t know what a person keeps in a backpack. And it has room for a whole heck-of-a-lot. Typically when I reach in to pull something out to show you guys on the web, I’m not sure what I’m grabbing for either.

Anyway I don’t think this really explained anything about anything. I just wanted to show you the backpack I used to use in high school and talk about why I loved it. It was really my first article of clothing/accessories that I felt was truly mine and unique to me. The color the logo and all the parts of it that aren’t on your run of the mill backpack.

It was really my first article of clothing/accessories that I felt was truly mine and unique to me.

I wanted to make this backpack in 3D but proved to beyond my abilities and I went with a basic Northface one for the imagery here but I got to capture the spirit of this bag that served me through high school. I’ll revisit it when I get a little more experience under my belt.

Backpack with contents laid out on floor.

Now a days I rock this convertible bag that can either be a traditional backpack or a satchel. I switched to a satchel in college and was so happy the time I opened up the top and reached in for a pen and paper without having to take it off. So this one fits current me very well.

As you can tell from the books I’m into different things. But typically it has these items.

  • Laptop
  • Oldschool Wacom Tablet
  • At least one book
  • Backup Pen (I keep a pen notepad in my pockets)
  • Chords pouch with all the chords I need to charge devices
  • Hand sanitizer
  • bluetooth headphones
  • Cloth Masks
  • Nintendo Switch with Case
  • Reading Tablet (not pictured)

That’s all for now. I enjoyed this trip down memory lane.