Rambling Computers

Linux Again

Once again Windows has done something I cannot agree with. Not only is it ending the life of Windows 10 and charging people to keep it.

Computers Rambling

You Need Your Own Streaming Server

Nowadays it seems that every streaming service out there wants to nickel and dime you every step of the way when all you want to do is watch Pirates of the Caribbean on the toilet.

Computers Rambling

Samsung Modes

( Phone modeled by mrlouisman ) ( Light Sabers modeled by Xali )


My Journey Through Tech

I consider myself a bit of a computer generalist. I have a career in Web Development, I have a degree in Computer Animation, a certificate in Hardware Support Specialist, and I took three semesters of Computer Networking.

Computers Rambling

Going Linux

( Tux modeled by Andy Cuccaro ) With Windows 11 releasing and rejecting my computer hardware to upgrade to it, I decided to jump ship to Linux.


Will my phone replace my comptuer?

So I have been questing to make my Android phone my primary device.


Putting my art to rest

Ever since I was a kid I’ve been doodling and wanted to become an artist.